Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Eizoba Nkeri Nizooba Rikuru 

      Glorious, Tumuheirwe (2010-06-12)
      The song is sung in praise of a woman who has given birth, and a boy/girl who has got married.
    • Nintegyereza Okwomwiguru 

      Glorious, Tumuheirwe (2010-06-13)
      The song is about the expectations people have about heaven. It is performed during church services and at social functions.
    • Nitubatabarusya 

      Glorious, Tumuheirwe (2010-06-12)
      The song talks about congratulating guests upon completing the journey. It is a welcoming song.
    • Obuseeri Bwe Nyanja 

      Glorious, Tumuheirwe (2010-06-13)
      The song talks about the world after the one we are living in now.