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dc.contributor.authorAtaryeba, Davis
dc.identifier.citationAtaryeba, D. (2021). Electronic cargo tracking system (ECTS) at Uganda Revenue Authority: challenges and constraints. Unpublished master’s research report, Makerere Universityen_US
dc.descriptionA research report submitted to the College of Business and Management Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a degree of Master of Business Administration of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study sought to assess factors hindering anticipated effectiveness of Electronic Cargo Tracking Systems (ECTS) at Uganda Revenue Authority. It was guided by three research objectives which were to; assess the administration and management process of ECTS since its inauguration at Uganda Revenue Authority, perception and attitude of staff of Uganda Revenue Authority towards ECTS in Uganda and challenges that affect effectiveness of ECTS at Uganda Revenue Authority. The study used a cross sectional survey design with qualitative techniques. The study population involved URA customs officers, and clearing agents at Malaba, Busia and Kampala based Custom Bonded houses. Data was collected using an interview guide. Content analysis was used to analyze interviews and quotations were used as findings. From the findings it was revealed that in administration and management process of Electronic cargo trucking system, ECTS provides real-time monitoring of transit goods and the system the system works alongside the customs agents whom are trained to transact on behalf of URA. It was also revealed that there was a negative perception on ECTs usage in most clearing agents were not sure whether they would learn to use the system efficiently and effectively as required. It was revealed that one of the challenges faced is that technology is relatively new and this prompts errors in reading of cargo location and the system requires technology experts who are scarce and this affects its effective operations. It was therefore concluded that the system requires a lot of time to learn and get used to it and how it fully operates and this creates room for errors causing delays. Many customs had a negative perception towards the ECTS especially in the beginning when most clearing agents no idea about the system to use it effectively it requires experts who are scarce in Uganda and the system requires a lot of time to train which URA has tried but gaps still remain. It was therefore recommended that there is need to train more of customs agents on the ECTS system, provide constant training sessions to all stakeholders that interact with ECTS system and hire external experts like KMPG with experience and expertise to work with URA staff members to build their capacity on job.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectElectronic cargo tracking systemen_US
dc.subjectUganda Revenue Authorityen_US
dc.titleElectronic cargo tracking system (ECTS) at Uganda Revenue Authority: challenges and constraintsen_US

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