Electronic marketing strategies and business performance in the fast-foods industry in Uganda: a case study of café javas
This study analyzed the adoption and utilization electronic marketing strategies, and its effect on business performance in the fast-food enterprises in Kampala, Uganda. This study specifically focused on: ascertaining the status of adoption and utilization of electronic marketing in the fast-foods industry; examining the factors affecting adoption and utilization of electronic marketing strategies in the fast foods industry and: establishing the relationship between electronic marketing strategies and business performance in fast-foods.
This study utilized a descriptive cross-sectional research design. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques of data collection were used, including structured self-administered questionnaires gathered from 111 randomly selected staffs in 8 Café javas outlets in Kampala. Nine Key informant interviews were also conducted with the marketing and/or sales managers. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS Statistics 23 while Qualitative data was analyzed using latent content analysis technique.
Results indicate that Nealy half (55; 49.5%) of the participants mentioned that clients access food from their favorite restaurants through making online orders and receive the food delivery. Most of the respondents (52; 46.8%) attest that the common online platforms used by the clients to order for food are the general food apps such as Jumia food, Glovo etc. About 41(36.9%) of the participants mentioned that they receive an average of 21-30 online food orders per day. The significant factors affecting the adoption and utilization E-marketing in fast-food industry include limited accessibility to internet services (Mean=3.420: Std=1.197), Slow internet (Mean=4.258: Std=1.011) and the geographical factors such as weather and distance (Mean=4.007: Std=1.050). Findings indicate that several e-marketing strategies are engaged, and there is a significant correlation between E-marketing strategies and: customer satisfaction (r=.918**: P-value=.003) Market share (r=.577**: p<0.01) and, competitive edge (r=.743**: p<0.01) of fast food business
This study concludes that electronic marketing is a critical factor in the general performance and growth of fast-food businesses in Kampala, Uganda. The study provides a number of recommendations to foster e-marketing and business performance including; the need for investing in e-Marketing technology, sensitization, business and consumer protection and further research in order to improve the utilization of the e-marketing strategies.