Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Macroeconomic and sectoral effects of the EAC Regional Integration on Uganda: A recursive computable general equilibrium analysis
The paper empirically examines the implications of the implementation of the EAC regional integration on the Ugandan economy. Specifically, it analyses the likely effects of the asymmetric tariff reduction on the macro ...
Economic and Social Upgrading in the Mobile Telecommunications Industry: The Case MTN Uganda
(Economic Policy Research Center, Makerere University, 2013-05)
Worldwide leaving an indelible mark in history by revolutionising lifestyles of individual, Systems, governments and entities. A number of factors have contributed to this phenomenon. Uganda has not been an exception and ...
Comparing the performance of Uganda’s intra-East African Community trade and other trading blocs: A gravity model analysis.
(EPRC, 2013)
This paper examines factors that determine Uganda’s trade flows and specifically compares the impact and performance of the different trade blocs on Uganda’s trade patterns and flows. The empirical question is whether ...