Now showing items 311-330 of 607

      Java web-based instant messaging and chat application system [1]
      A job short listing system for companies [1]
      Knowledge Management Frameworks: A Review of Conceptual Foundations and a KMF for IT-based Organizations. [1]
      Knowledge management practices at Uganda Cancer Institute [1]
      Knowledge management practices at Uganda National Oil Company [1]
      Knowledge management technologies and organizational business processes: integration for business delivery performance in Sub Saharan Africa [1]
      Land registry file tracking tool: a case for Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development. [1]
      Library information management tool: a case for National Library of Uganda. [1]
      Library services provision in selected Universal Secondary Schools in Entebbe Municipality [1]
      A Link Fabrication Attack Mitigation Approach (LIFAMA) for software defined networks [1]
      A Link Fabrication Attack Mitigation Approach (LiFAMA) for Software Defined Networks [1]
      A Loan assessment system for Centenary Rural Development Bank [1]
      The localisation into isiXhosa of the iLanga telephone system [1]
      A localized geometrical alignment technique for updating geo-spatial databases [1]
      M-learning: The educational use of mobile communication devices [1]
      Malware detection using static analysis with PCA, mRMR and machine learning [1]
      Management and accessibility of open access institutional repositories in selected universities in East Africa [1]
      Management information system for human resource allocation [1]
      Management of agriculture archives in National Agricultural Research Institutes in Uganda [1]
      Management of Big Data at Busitema University Library [1]