The level of managerial competencies, teamwork, employee empowerment & citizenship behavior in Uganda Electoral Commission
The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between managerial competencies, teamwork, employee empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in Uganda Electoral Commission.
The study involved 136 respondents in a cross sectional survey, where Pearson correlation coefficient was used to test the study hypotheses. Regression analysis was used to predict the effect of managerial competencies, teamwork and employee empowerment on OCB.
The findings revealed a significant positive relationship between managerial competencies and supervisory OCB (p=0.046<0.05). The study also indicated a significant relationship between managerial competencies, teamwork and employee empowerment (F=20.718, p=0.000). The findings, however, indicated that managerial competencies p=0.806>0.05) and teamwork (p=0.053>0.05) are not statistically significant predictors of self-rated OCB while employee empowerment (p=0.000<0.05 is a significant predictor of self-rated OCB.
According to the findings, the variance of 42.5% in supervisory OCB can be attributed to the study variables and the variance of 36.1% in self-rated OCB can be attributed to the same variables in Electoral Commission.
The study recommended that The Electoral Commission should continue to emphasize and enhance the process of strengthening managerial competence, teamwork and employee empowerment as possible predictors of OCB through continuous training as a measure of competence building and empowering its staff to handle any complex situations that may arise from time to time.