Now showing items 1-10 of 16
Competence in Mathematics and academic achievement: an analysis of enrollees in the Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science Program
(American Journal of Business Education, 2013)
This study investigates the role of prior grounding attained in mathematics in predicting the academic achievement of enrollees in Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science (BSAS). The investigation is based on administrative ...
Completion time dynamics of Doctoral Studies at Makerere University: a hazard model evaluation
(Journal of International Education Research, 2011)
Issues related to attrition and completion time of graduate studies are certainly an internationally challenging and important area of higher education literature. In this paper, completion time dynamics of doctoral studies ...
Completion of a full course of primary schooling among all children everywhere by 2015: a case of Sub-Saharan Africa
(Contemporary Issues In Education Research, 2013)
Achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) remains a major
challenge, particularly in developing countries. Specifically, achieving the target of completing a full course of primary schooling among ...
Completion time dynamics for Master’s and Doctoral Studies at Makerere University
(Contemporary Issues In Education Research, 2012)
This paper examines the dynamics of completion time of master’s studies and how such dynamics relate to those of doctoral studies at Makerere University, Uganda. The assessment is based on administrative data of 605 master’s ...
Modeling the longevity of completion of higher degree studies at Makerere University
(Makerere University, 2012-08)
Student persistence in graduate programs is widely regarded as an important yet challenging aspect of higher education in the literature. Research into this phenomenon is particularly problematic when (i) a considerable ...
Academic achievement of Ugandan sixth grade students: influence of parents’education levels
(Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 2013)
The study investigates the influence of a father and mother’s education on the academic
achievement of their child. The investigation is based on data sourced from the 2009 Southern African Consortium for Monitoring ...
Teacher Competence And The Academic Achievement Of Sixth Grade Students In Uganda
(Journal of International Education Research, 2013)
The study investigates the influence of teacher competence on the academic achievement of sixth grade students in Uganda. The investigation is based on data sourced from the 2009 Southern African Consortium for Monitoring ...
Examination phase of the Master’s thesis: a plausible cause of delayed completion of graduate studies at Makerere University, Uganda
(Journal of International Education Research, 2012)
This paper investigates the influence of the examination stage of student theses on the completion time of graduate studies at Makerere University, Uganda. The assessment is based on the administrative data of 504 Master’s ...
Knowledge of Millennium Development Goals among University Faculty in Uganda and Kenya
(Journal of International Education Research, 2012)
This article examines the level of knowledge of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) among university faculty. The assessment is based on data from 197 academic unit or faculty heads randomly selected from universities ...
Extended candidature and non-completion of a Ph.D. at Makerere University, Uganda
(Contemporary Issues In Education Research, 2012)
Although student persistence in graduate programs is widely regarded as an important topic in the literature of higher education, many such works focus on the completion of studies. This paper examines the dynamics of ...