An Analysis of Budget Support in Public Sector: A Case of Uganda AIDS Commission
The purpose of the study was to analysis the budget support in Uganda aids commission basing on the following objectives; to examine the effectiveness of budget support in Uganda Aids Commission, to find out the challenges faced on budget support in Uganda Aids Commission, and to find out strategies on challenges faced on budget support in Uganda Aids Commission
This study adopted a cross sectional research design in which quantitative approach was used, Amin (2015). The sample size of 35 was determined using Krejcie & Morgan, (1970) comprising of 10 managerial and 25 non managerial staff members in Uganda Aids Commission. Stratified sampling was used to select the samples. Data was collected by the use of questionnaire. The quantitative data was cleaned, edited, coded, entered into the computer and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS). The purpose of this was to enable the researcher to describe and summarize the data in frequency tables and graphs. Analysis was made with their respective percentages.
Findings revealed that Uganda Aids commission does not necessarily focus on development outcome than what donors do, and it is not clear whether Uganda Aids Commission and donor organization hold one another accountable for the commitments made. this creates challenges for instance some projects in Uganda Aids Commission are sidelined by donor organizations, some donors release funds late and have strict reporting guidelines which leads to returning funds unutilized, and Donors often impose conditions to ensure that the funds they provide to Uganda aids commission are being used for the intended purposes.
It was recommended that Uganda Aids Commission and donor needs to focus on results in planning and implementing development programmes, Good understanding between Uganda Aids Commission and donor would be a highly rated success factor. Therefore it can be recommended to having a good coordination programme regularly for the projects. Donors of Uganda Aids Commission should strengthen mutual accountability by providing comprehensive, timely, and transparent information on aid flows.