Management of change: the decentralisation process in Uganda
The study, involved the use of competency model in highlighting the importance of change management competencies in managing change in organization's. Using a case study involving 73 respondents from 5 different local government's, it investigated the relationship between change management competence and performance, empowerment and performance, change management competency and resistance to change. The study also sought mechanism through which change management competencies can be developed to support the successful implementation of decentralization in Uganda. The study used a descriptive survey design which involved the development of a tool to rate the competency of local government staff based on competency analysis. ft also incorporated other instruments to capture mechanism to develop change management competencies. The study revealed a significant positive correlation and thus relationship between: a) Change management competencies and performance of the local governments; b) empowerment and local government performance; c) change management competencies and resistance to change among local government managers.
The study also established using regression analysis that change management competencies, resistance to change, and empowerment predict up to 54% of local government performance.