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dc.contributor.authorPaul Lubowa
dc.descriptionDuring 1980s and the decade that followed, there were concerted efforts in different parts of the world to ensure that women had access to education. These efforts were a concern for every one interested in the growth and development of Africa. Many scholars and entrepreneurs came to realise that it was no longer tenable to have a male dominated educated and developed society. Resulting from this realization was a campaign to sensitize the masses to be part of these efforts. Lubowa a renowned graphic designer and painter was one of those artist who produced a body of painting championing women’s right to education. Academic goals, is one of these art works done by the artist during those decades. In this particular painting, the artist, presents a group of three women holding a book and another open book displayed on the table. His usage of the number three is significant and one needs to pay attention to its symbolism. Three is a sacred number in many African societies. Sacred things are given in three. Sacrifices offered to ancestors and to Royalty are presented in three. The artist’s use of three women here is a call to break all the taboo that had been created to deny women access to education. He critically looks at the society in which he works and makes a statement that calls for the dismantling of the culture that hinders women emancipation.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn this, The artist produced the a body of painting championing women's right to education. it is located in the Makerere university library.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipGovernment of Uganda, Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (RIF) and Makerere University Library.en_US
dc.titleAcademic goals.en_US

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