A study of cross border crimes : a case study of Malaba town
The cross border crimes at country borders can cause political, social and economic breakdown at both individual and national level. Such breakdown is likely to affect negatively the citizen wellbeing, crippling the business sector and at the same time crippling service delivery programs in the country. A total of 150 respondents participated in the study of which 5 were immigration officers, 89 business men and women where categorized into those who had business in the area and the ones who were crossing over to either Uganda or Kenya, 50 were residents in the area and 6 were security officers. Purposive and random sampling techniques where used and the main data collection instruments where structured questionnaires and interview schedules. This study analyzed the causes of cross border crimes and the common cross-border crimes on Uganda borders, its impact on family life and cultural- organizational commitment especially on the Kenya Uganda border. One hundred and fifty nationals were randomly and purposively selected. The research method of the structural equation model with survey questionnaires and interviews were applied. Results of the study confirmed that the open-border agenda, formation of bloc trade unions like the East African Federation, need for low-wage workers who will do the work that native-born supposedly will not, the Communist ideas of universal labor solidarity, improvement and expanded dramatic transportation systems resulted to the concept of unofficial trade (bribery) in goods otherwise legal, People smuggling (human smuggling),selling drugs and drug paraphernalia among others hence resulting into development of crime markets, violation of human rights, international and economic crisis. There is need for development of a national identity security strategy coordinating all domestic identity initiatives with those applied at border control, creation of national security awareness, multijurisdictional task forces to combine investigative resources from several agencies.