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dc.contributor.authorOkello, Denis Odyek
dc.identifier.citationOkello, D.O. (2022). The impact of urbanization on the environment of Lira Cathedral Parish in light of Laudato SI (Unpublihed Master's Dissertation) Makerere University, Kampala Ugandaen_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the Graduate School as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Arts in Religious and Theological Studies of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe Environment (our common home) deserves the best care because from it all forms of life find their sustenance. This study was therefore carried out with an intention of finding out the best way to deal with some of the environmental problems specifically those emanating from urbanization under the research topic: The impact of urbanization on the environment in Lira Cathedral Parish in light of Laudato Si. Laudato Si is a papal encyclical letter issued by Pope Francis in 2015 on the care for our Common home. This study exposed that the world is experiencing a rapid urbanization process and this comes as a double-edge sword meaning that it has both positive and negative impact on the environment. The negative side of its impact on the environment constituted the driving factor for this research. The first chapter of this study lays down the current situation pertaining to urbanization and environment globally and it narrows down to the area of study. The main objective of the study was intended to find out the impact of urbanization on environment in Lira Cathedral Parish in light of Laudato Si. Specific objectives included; firstly to examine the extent of urbanization today, secondly to discover the various ways through which urbanization is affecting the environment and thirdly, to explore the practicality of Laudato Si with regard to urbanization challenges. In Chapter II, the researcher compiled the existing literature on or related to urbanization and environment and this is presented according to the order of the set objectives. Chapter three clearly describes the methodology used by the researcher. Research Instruments such as observation, interviews, questionnaire and library research were used. Targeted groups consisted of Christians from any of the Outstations (chapels) within Lira Cathedral parish. Some technical persons were also interviewed in order to obtain some useful statistical data. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative methods of research. Chapter four dealt with the presentation of research findings which revealed that there is much urbanization in the area, and some negative impact of urbanization on environment were pointed such as, loss of green spaces, loss of species, high rate of wastes generation, change in weather patterns, poor drainage, cultural deterioration, urban crimes, sanitation challenges, traffic related accidents. The positive impact pointed out included, aesthetics, creating land for agriculture and employment opportunities. In Chapter five, the summary and discussion of the findings was made. Chapter six consisted of conclusions, areas of further research and recommendations.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectLAUDATO SIen_US
dc.titleThe impact of urbanization on the environment of Lira Cathedral Parish in light of Laudato SIen_US

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