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dc.contributor.authorSyamutsangira, Marahi Simon
dc.identifier.citationSyamutsangira, M.S. (2023). Rewards and retention of police trainers in the Uganda Police Training Schools: A case of Police Training School Kabalye and Olilim (Unpublished Master's dissertation). Makerere University, Kampala, Ugandaen_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of Masters of Arts in Peace and Conflict Studies of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractRewards play a critical role in retention of employees as espoused by the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for decent work and economic growth, peace, justice and strong institutions. However despite the concerted efforts by Uganda Police Force Management in rewarding Police officers, retention challenges in training schools still exist. The dissertation thus assessed the relationship between rewards and retention of Uganda Police Force trainers (UPFTs) at Police Training Schools Kabalye- Masindi and PTS Olilim-Katakwi. Working with the Hertzberg two-factor theory (1966) and Equity theory (1965), the theories provided a rationale for predictions about the relationships among variables of the research study. These variables included rewards (independent variable) and retention of Uganda Police Force Trainers (Dependent variable). Literature was reviewed under themes that reflect specific research objectives and research variables to explore previous studies and information gaps. A cross-sectional design was adopted with mixed methods, that is to say, a quantitative method using questionnaires as tools to support the quantitative study. A qualitative method was adopted to hear the voices of the actual UPFTs on matters of how rewards relate to retention of UPF trainers at PTS Kabalye-Masindi and PTS Olilim-Katakwi. A total of 156 Police trainers participated in the quantitative study and 8 in qualitative study giving a grand total of 164 respondents. Through the application of statistical packages of social sciences (SPSS); the study analysed the relationship between rewards and retention of UPFTs. A measurement of research objectives was done using Pearson‘s linear correlation coefficient (r). The study findings showed that rewards have a significant positive relationship with retention of UPFTs.The study thus recommends a clear reward structure that enhances salaries for all Police officers, payment of varied allowances regularly, quick promotion for competent, experienced and disciplined trainers and provision of career training courses that will lead to retention of Police Trainers in the UPF Training Schoolsen_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectUGANDA POLICEen_US
dc.titleRewards and retention of police trainers in the Uganda Police Training Schools: A case of Police Training School Kabalye and Olilimen_US

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