The impact of Christian values in eradicating social evils in Kasana Cathedral Parish in light of Fratelli Tutti.
This research study is an inquiry into the impact of Christian values in eradicating social evils through the lens of Fratelli Tutti. To achieve its purpose, the study explores the causes of social evils and their effects, delves into the roles of Christian values, and determines the limitations of Christian values in the fight against social evils and the possible solutions for overcoming social evils in Kasana Cathedral Parish. This report, which systematically treats this topic in six chapters, is concerned with the high levels of social evil and how Christian values can be the healing remedy. Social evils are presented as any intentional demeaning, dehumanizing, and destructive behavior or human action that fails to recognize the fraternity and social friendship of persons and society thereby limiting their flourishing as a whole. While stressing the role of Christian values in alleviating social evils, the study also recognizes the roles of good governance, rule of law, freedom of information, integral development, and social protection. It reiterates the potential of Christian values in achieving fraternity and social friendship in Kasana Cathedral Parish, a central theme and concern of Pope Francis’ encyclical Fratelli Tutti. Christian values are opted for because of their capacity to guide and inform public reason, revive the sense of responsibility, provide an opportunity to rethink the structures and organization of society, increase personal concern for one another, and elevate morality. The research report exposed the limitations of Christian values and brought to light poverty and corruption as the most disturbing social evils and neglect of Christian wisdom as their biggest cause in Kasana Cathedral Parish. While this study stresses the vitality of Christian values in the alleviation of social evils, it does not seek to exalt them above any other existent values but to present their universal nature as seen in their concern for genuine humanism capable of the good of life of persons and society. In seeking to alleviate social evils, the research study calls upon the cooperation of other stakeholders, such as the state, policymakers, human rights activists, government and non-government organizations, and cultural and religious groups.