Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Amatengyera ngabo 

      Musiime Portus Kakomire, Bangaishaza Meres
      This is a song that invites women to recite. This song is first sung and later some women start reciting (okwevuga). It is performed at parties to welcome guests and for entertainment at social gatherings in a home.
    • Kalawudia 

      Nyinamakuru, Gladys (2010-06-16)
      The song talks about Kalawudia and how she should prepare to get married.
    • Mama ama dri ka drici (our grandmother is suffering) 

      Woko Cudi, Simon (2010-06-08)
      This song is about an old woman who was once an important person but due to old age her efforts have reduced.
    • Mukazi Ki'Omworo 

      Milton, Owakubariho (2010-06-16)
      The song is about a lazy woman/wife.
    • Nimwije Tuzane Bafumbo 

      Milton, Owakubariho (2010-06-16)
      The song/ dance is performed by married women to express happiness.
    • Rubanga Obi Ma Izi Aduni Ya? (Why did God make me a woman) 

      Mindraa, Ezterina (2010-06-05)
      The song is a Madi Traditional Kore Dance for entertainment.

      Oneka, Dennis (2011-05-06)
      The song is communicating to the women to perform their domestic duties.