dc.description.abstract | Peace building is a growing concern and there is need to acknowledge the contribution of different stakeholders. Soroti Catholic Diocese Development Organization (SOCADIDO) was selected for study because it was the first faith centered organization to embrace the peace building in Teso-Sub region, Eastern Uganda. Soroti district was of choice for this research because it is one of the district that experienced armed conflicts and quickly stabilized, unlike the Acholi and Lango sub regions in Northern Uganda.
Teso sub region has from time to time experienced environmental and socio-political upheavals. In the decade of (2001-2011) the region witnessed insecurity caused by perpetual cattle rustling by Karimojong warriors, the invasion by the LRA rebels in 2003, erratic weather patterns that caused flooding in 2007, prolonged drought in 2008 &2009 and later water logging in 2010. Soroti District is bordered by Amuria District to the north, Katakwi District to the east, Ngora District to the South east, Serere District to the south, Kaberamaido District to the west. This chapter discusses the procedures and strategies used in the study. It tells the reader what is contained in the methodology chapter and how it is arranged. It gives the rational of the selection and how the researcher is going to go about collecting and analyzing data to solve the problem at hand. It is organized under the following sections: research/study design, study population, sample size and selection, sampling techniques and procedures, data collection methods, data collection instruments, pretesting (validity &reliability), procedure of data collection. Data analysis, measurement of variabilities (quantitative studies). The breakthrough of peace in the teso and surrounding regions was mainly through its strong
integration in the basic village structures, through its longer and mostly multi-disciplinary presence in the villages, through different and per formant communication means at their disposal. The role of peace building in any setting cannot be ignored or over looked in the developing and developed world, where conflict is unavoidable in our day to day lives and the use of peace building should be taken seriously but boarders to bring about peace for sustainable development. A reform in Uganda curriculum of primary, higher institutions should be made available so that students are given specific skills aimed at peace building, so that after their life time after schools, they are able to have peace in their family settings. The government needs to use existing administrative structures to mobilize and sensitize the population, allocate resources to support CSOs located in different regions of the country to bring about peace. | en_US |