Now showing items 288-307 of 450

      Non-monetary rewards and teacher-retention in private secondary schools in Wakiso District [1]
      Novice tutors' experiences and effective tutoring in public primary teachers' colleges in Karamoja sub-region in Northern Uganda. [1]
      Operational management and its effect on the academic performance of secondary school students in Adjumani District, Uganda [1]
      The opinion of educational stakeholders to the new science-based policy and its effective implementation in secondary schools in Mbarara District [1]
      Organizational climate and research productivity of Academic Staff in Makerere University [1]
      Out of class activities and writing proficiency in English Language of "O" level students in selected schools in Soroti District [1]
      Parameters influencing completion of research projects by postgraduate students in School of Education, Makerere University [1]
      Parents and Teachers' Perception of Sex Education in Secondary Schools in Tororo District [1]
      Parents perspectives and their involvement in Reproductive Health Education of their in-school adolescents in Soroti Municipality, Uganda. [1]
      Participation of students in co-curricular activities in private secondary schools Kasangati Town Council, Wakiso District [1]
      Pedagogical effectiveness of teachers engaged in academic-related income generating practices in government aided secondary schools in Wakiso District [1]
      Pedagogical strategies and academic achievement of students at Kyambogo and Makerere Universities [1]
      The perceived impact of Distributional Educational Policies on students’ admission at Makerere University [1]
      The perceived impact of distributional educational policies on students’ admission at Makerere University [1]
      Perceived needs satisfaction and counterproductive workplace behaviors of administrative staff at Makerere University [1]
      Perceived teachers’ knowledge and students’ attitude towards learning Physics in selected secondary schools in Fort-Portal city in Western Uganda [1]
      The perceived teachers’ motivation and its effect on students’ academic performance at A-level in selected secondary schools in Masaka District [1]
      The perceived teachers’ motivation and its effect on students’ academic performance at A’level in selected secondary schools in Masaka District [1]
      Perceived usefulness, ease of use and attitude of Pre-Service Physics teachers towards adoption of electronic learning: a case of Makerere and Kyambogo University [1]
      Perceived usefulness, ease of use and attitude of pre-service physics teachers towards adoption of electronic learning: a case of Makerere and Kyambogo University [1]