School of Engineering (SEng.) Collections: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 302
Development of an HVAC design model for commercial buildings in Kampala city, Uganda.
(2022-04-13)One of the most important decisions to be made during energy efficient building design is the type of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Improper design and installation of an HVAC system has negative ... -
Biogas production from piggery waste at abattoirs
(Makerere University, 2022)Growth in the pig value chain is associated with a proportionate increase in the energy required and waste generated at abattoirs. At Ugandan abattoirs, there is already a deficit in the energy required for mandatory ... -
A hybrid approach to next generation 5G Dense Heterogeneous Networks
(Makerere University, 2021)Massive demand for mobile data has tremendously increased over past few years, putting pressure to existing infrastructures. This trend is expected to continue in the near future. To cater for this trend, an efficient radio ... -
Deployment Optimisation of a 5g Heterogeneous Network.
(2022-03-11)Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has been considered one of the key enabling technologies of 5G networks. This has been mainly due to its high spectral efficiency capabilities since it enables multiple users to ... -
Assessing the impacts of land use and land cover change on stream flows of river Kyambura
(Makerere University, 2022-03)The impacts of land-use land cover changes on hydrological systems has received considerable attention from researchers and practitioners world over. At catchment level, land-cover changes and their effects on the hydrologic ... -
Comparative suitability of the global Hydrological Model Glofas against a catchment-based model to simulate and predict floods in Uganda.
(2022-02-08)This study aims to assess the comparative suitability of a global hydrological forecasting system, the Copernicus-EMS Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS), and a catchment-based model (GR4J) as possible alternative or ... -
Bioethanol and briquette production as an alternative control measure of water Hyacinth on lake Victoria.
(2021-11-24)Uganda’s energy sector is still predominantly dependent on biomass that contributes 88% of the total primary energy consumed through firewood, charcoal and crop residues. This widespread dependence on biomass energy resources ... -
Comparative performance of SWAT and HEC-HMS in modeling runoff in tropical catchments.
(Makerere University, 2021-04)Hydrologists are increasingly finding it difficult to choose from a growing pool of hydrologic models for the different model applications in data scarce regions like Uganda. In this study, performance comparison of SWAT ... -
Reconfiguration requirements of Uganda's bulk power network to accommodate a wholesale electricity market
(Makerere University, 2021-12)Wholesale electricity markets are a product of electricity sector restructuring. Restructuring has been undertaken by several countries over the past thirty years for various reasons, but ultimately significant rewards ... -
A risk based approach for pipe renewal and rehabilitation decision making in water distributions systems
(Makerere University, 2021-06)Utilities globally suffer financial losses due to pipe failures caused by a number of aggressive physical and internal factors (Raziyeh, 2016). Despite these challenges, it is not clear which exact factors are more significant ... -
Energy harvesting, storage and management for environment monitoring wireless sensor networks in the East African Region
(Makerere University, 2020-06)The use of Wireless Sensor Networks in automated environment monitoring has grown significantly in the past decade because they are small, cheap and easily scalable compared to their traditional wired counterparts, which ... -
Optimal generation scheduling approach for improved power transmission grid performance of Uganda
(Kampala, Makerere University, 2019-06-22)Uganda with an installed generation capacity of 1182.2 MW as of May 2019; identifies electricity as a primary input to industrializing the country. This will foster socioeconomic transformation of its citizens to middle ... -
Effect of natural organic matter composition on performance of conventional water treatment processes
(Makerere University, 2021-11)The presence of natural organic matter (NOM) in surface water sources poses various challenges in drinking water treatment processes.Conventional coagulation is being applied in most of the treatment plants in Uganda and ... -
Modeling hydrodynamic effects on the dynamic response of an embankment dam due to seismic loading case: Isimba Hydro Power Plant
(Makerere University, 2019-08)One out of every three embankments dams has failed due to an increase in hydrodynamic forces at the dam fluid-interface. The main goal of this research was therefore to model the hydrodynamic effects on the dynamic response ... -
Design review of a locally innovated single piston diesel engine
(Makerere University, 2021-12-29)Engineering designs are important in any piece of product produced in any manufacturing process. Production in Uganda is always on a craftsman’s level which is accompanied with a lot of manufacturing errors and material ... -
Regression models to predict operating speeds of horizontal curves in mountainous terrain
(Makerere University, 2021-12-08)Majority of operating speed models in literature are mainly for flat and rolling terrain. However, mountainous terrain is not common and present different speeding environment to drivers due to steep grades and sharp curves. ... -
Optimisation of recycled polyethylene terephthalate plastic bottle fibres in glasscrete
(Kampala, Makerere University, 2021-10)Cement and concrete production which accounts for between 5% to 8% global CO2 emission are a growing environmental concern considering their high construction dependence. These coupled with non-biodegradable household ... -
Application of process technologies for improved salt production from Lake Katwe, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2021-12-22)More than 90% of salt used in Uganda is imported from neighboring countries despite the existence of over 22.5 million tons of mineral deposit at Lake Katwe. This is due to the current traditional mining techniques employed ... -
Effect of grade and climbing lane length on performance of heavy trucks on two lane rural roads in Uganda
(Makerere University, 2021-10)The grade and length of climbing lane affect performance of heavy trucks, leading to significant speed reductions, safety risks due to increases in passing manoeuvres and a reduction in the quality of traffic flow due to ... -
Modelling operating speed changes between two successive geometric elements along two-lane rural roads
(2021-11-26)The study was aimed at developing models to predict the speed changes between two successive geometric elements along two-lane rural roads. This was necessary to operationalize the criteria used in the technical audit of ...