School of Engineering (SEng.) Collections: Recent submissions
Now showing items 181-200 of 302
Impact of the procurement methods on the success of construction projects in Uganda
(Kampala, Makerere University, 2021-11-24)The selection of the procurement approach is very important to the successful completion of any construction project as Project performance is highly influenced by the type of construction procurement method used to deliver ... -
Evaluation of methods for estimation of design flows in highly urbanised catchments
(Makerere University, 2022-02-18)Design flood estimation is essential in design of hydraulic structures like bridges, culverts and side drains. However, in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda, there is a major challenge of lack of flow data as a result ... -
Assessment of the performance of a direct dual media (anthracite and sand) filtration system in drinking water treatment using filter columns
(Makerere University, 2021-11-23)Uganda is naturally endowed with an abundance of surface water resources. These include rivers, lakes, streams and wetlands. Pollutants/contaminants are commonly present in water, and require removal. Rapid and slow sand ... -
Improvement of performance of solar still
(Kampala, Makerere University, 2021-10-29)Limited availability of safe drinking water is a major problem, particularly in rural areas of Uganda. Most modern water treatment technologies are costly hence unaffordable for use by the local people. Additionally, ... -
Assessment of Bushenyi-Ishaka water treatment and supply system using the water safety planning approach
(2021-08)Access to safe drinking water is a major global health concern with microbiological risks being the most serious burden of disease associated with unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene. Annually, 2.4 million deaths due to ... -
Task scheduling and workload orchestration in edge computing
(Makerere University, 2021-12)An Edge Computing (EC) paradigm improves the quality of user experience when dealing with low latency and real-time interactive applications. The technology allows cloud services to be brought to the edge of the network ... -
Production of Irish potato flour as a potential ingredient for food processing industry
(Makerere University, 2022-01)Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is grown worldwide and in most of the developing countries, it is considered the fourth most important food crop grown for both cash and food. The potato tubers have a short shelf life leading ... -
Effect of bed joint mortar thicknesses on the flexural strength of non-reinforced burnt clay brick walls
(Makerere University, 2021-12)Mortar binds the masonry units together, it is specified in most standards that the mortar joints should be within 10-12mm, though this has not been followed in some cases. This research looked into determining the effect ... -
Premature failures of district road construction equipment: a case of Northern Uganda
(2019-03)This study is about road construction equipment imported from china by the government of Uganda in 2011 that prematurely failed during their designed lifetime. The factors that led to their premature failure at various ... -
Development of multi-attribute compliance rating tool in occupational safety and health for steel manufacturing in Uganda
(Makerere University, 2021-10)The ILO estimated that globally, every year, more than 2.3 million workers died from an occupational injury or disease. It was further projected that nearly 5% of world GDP was lost due to occupational diseases and accidents. ... -
An investigation into the impact of the shelter on the algal biomass and treated water quality : the case of Ggaba III water treatment plant
(Makerere University, 2021-05)Algal biomass has led to difficulties during water treatment like filter clogging, odors and algal toxins. The shelter was placed over the clarifiers and the filters of the three Ggaba National water and sewerage Corporation ... -
Potential use of black soldier fly larvae to reduce faecal sludge quantity from lined and unlined pit latrines in urban slums : a case study of Bwaise in Kampala, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2019-12-06)Faecal sludge management (FSM) in urban slums is faced with a number of challenges due to the nature of settlement and high population density and this prompts the residents and pit emptiers to illegally dump FS into the ... -
Modelling of chlorine decay in a portable water distribution network : case study of Kampala Distribution Network, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2021-08-16)The most expensive component of a water supply system is the distribution network. Proper understanding, characterization and prediction of water quality behavior in drinking water distribution systems are critical in ... -
Improvement of health and safety of small-scale iron ore miners in South Western Uganda
(Makerere University, 2021-04)The study examines the improvement of health and safety of Artisan and Small-Scale iron ore miners in South West Uganda. Mining in Uganda is carried out by a combination of officially registered mining companies and artisanal ... -
Optimized planning of isolated renewable energy systems for rural electrification in Uganda
(Makerere University, 2021-02-19)Though there is a high potential for electricity generation in Uganda, 80% of the population cannot afford the costs of grid connection or the other forms of energy. Research has also shown that most of the cost in both ... -
Reliability of Power Transformers at Kiira and Nalubaale Power Stations
(2019-10)This research was a case-study aimed at investigating and developing a statistical transformer model able to predict future failures at Nalubaale and Kiira power stations. The Weibull distribution was identified as an ... -
Technical Project Report for the Rehabilitation and Water Treatment Production Capacity Optimization of Ggaba Water Treatment Complex and Transmission Mains Improvement
(2019-07-27)This project report offers a brief review of the selection process of the contractor and consequently the work scope that was performed under a Euro 5,885,780.80 sub-contract with Sogea Satom to rehabilitate the Ggaba Water ... -
Optimization of the economic dispatch model for off-grid hybrid power systems with renewable energy in Uganda.
(2020-12-03)Economic Dispatch (ED) involves serving the least cost energy to the load. The subject of economic dispatch is a challenging task which gets more complicated with the variability of the inputs or determinants. The traditional ... -
Development of a Total Quality Management Framework for the Downstream Petroleum Industry in Uganda
(2021-04-23)Uganda’s downstream petroleum industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the East African Region due to the rapidly growing middle class and potential development of the crude oil wells in the Albertine region. ... -
Development of sustainable framework models for private sector investments in renewable energy mini-grids
(Makerere University, 2020-10-16)Uganda’s largest population lives in rural areas, where most people still lack access to electricity. The government of Uganda has set ambitious targets to provide universal access to electricity for the country by 2040. ...