Now showing items 53-72 of 96

      Lopinavir/ritonavir significantly influences pharmacokinetic exposure of artemether/lumefantrine in HIV-infected Ugandan adults [1]
      Low prevalence of pneumocystis jirovecii lung colonization in Ugandan HIV-infected patients hospitalized with non-Pneumocystis pneumonia [1]
      Measuring the outcomes of a comprehensive HIV care course: pilot test at the Infectious Diseases Institute, Kampala, Uganda [1]
      Medical male circumcision for HIV/AIDS prevention in Uganda: the cost of disposable versus re-usable circumcision kits [1]
      Modern contraceptive uptake and associated factors among hiv positive women attending Soroti Hospital, Uganda [1]
      A new model to monitor the virological efficacy of antiretroviral treatment in resource-poor countries [1]
      Nucleic acid amplification tests for diagnosis of smear-negative TB in a high HIV prevalence setting: a prospective cohort study [1]
      Outcomes of cryptococcal meningitis in Uganda before and after the availability of highly active antiretroviral therapy [1]
      Palliative care in sub-Saharan Africa [1]
      Pattern of neuropsychological performance among HIV positive patients in Uganda [1]
      Pharmacokinetic interactions between antiretroviral drugs and herbal medicines [1]
      Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of intravenous artesunate during severe malaria treatment in Ugandan adults [1]
      Pharmacokinetics of antiretroviral drug varies with formulation in the target population of children with HIV-1 [1]
      Point-of-care lactate testing predicts mortality of severe sepsis in a predominantly HIV type 1–infected patient population in Uganda [1]
      Potential impact of task-shifting on costs of antiretroviral therapy and physician supply in Uganda [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with cryptococcal antigenemia among severely immunosuppressed HIV-infected adults in Uganda: a cross-sectional study [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with diarrhoea among children under five years in Nyumanzi Refugee Settlement Camp Adjumani District, Uganda [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with malnutrition among adult Tuberculosis patients attending the national referral tuberculosis program clinic at Mulago Hospital [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with pulmonary tuberculosis among children 5-15 years attending six health centres in Kampala city [1]
      Prevalence, incidence and predictors of severe anaemia with zidovudine-containing regimens in African adults with HIV infection within the DART trial [1]