Now showing items 463-482 of 1320

      Effect of temperature on the biology of sweetpotato weevil, Cylas brunneus (Coleoptera: Brentidae) [1]
      Effect of upper catchment management and water cover plants on quantity and quality of water in reservoirs and their implications on Livestock Water Productivity (LWP) [1]
      The effect of urbanization on livelihoods of households living in agricultural areas: A case study of Wakiso Town [1]
      Effect of village savings and loan associations on access to improved inputs among smallholder farmers in Kiryandongo district, mid-western Uganda [1]
      Effect of vitamin A-mineral supplementation on serum retinol and overall nutritional status of school children aged 6-10 years in Wakiso District, Uganda: A randomized controlled trial [1]
      The effect of weather on crop yields: A case study of the maize crop in Masindi District Western Uganda. [1]
      Effective isolation distance for prevention of cassava virus spread in farmer-preferred cultivars in Uganda [1]
      Effective monitoring of decentralised forest resources in East Africa [1]
      Effectiveness and adoption of alternative crops as wildlife deterrents around Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda [1]
      Effectiveness of community conserved areas approach in biodiversity conservation in Uganda: comparative case study of Kacheera and Kijanebalola wetlands. [1]
      Effectiveness of forage and food legumes on management of the fall armyworm and crop performance in Uganda [1]
      Effectiveness of forest zoning on conservation of threatened tree species in Budongo Forest Reserve [1]
      Effectiveness of native rhizobia for increased cowpea and groundnuts production in Uganda [1]
      Effectiveness of physical barriers against crop raiding by elephants in areas of Rubirizi District adjacent to Queen Elizabeth National Park [1]
      Effectiveness of Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) bags for preserving the quality and safety of whole and degermed maize flour [1]
      The effectiveness of soil and water conservation practices for erosion control in Nagairila-Nambale micro watershed on the slopes of Mt. Elgon in Eastern Uganda [1]
      Effectiveness of SW13 and ROC11 markers in breeding for resistance to BMCV and BCMNV in common bean [1]
      Effectiveness of the Purdue Improved Crop Storage bags for preservation of common dry beans "Phaseolus vulgaris L." [1]
      Effectiveness of video as a tool in disseminating agricultural knowledge to farmers: A case study of rice farmers in Kamwenge and Lira Districts, Uganda. [1]
      Effects of Agricultural Investments on Land-use Land Cover Change, Access to Water and Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Practices in Uganda [1]