Now showing items 645-664 of 1334

      Functional genetics in ascomycetes pseudocercospora fijiensis (synonym mycosphaerella fijiensis) the pathogen of black sigatoka disease in banana [1]
      Functionality of rural water supply sources: a case study: Nyero Sub-County, Kumi District. [1]
      Fusarium and fumonisin contamination of maize produced in Uganda [1]
      Gap characteristics and regeneraion in Bwindi Impenerable National Park, Uganda [1]
      Gender and climate change adaptation among bean growing households in Northern and Eastern Uganda [1]
      Gender based constraints and opportunities influencing farmer participation in coffee IPM groups in Bugisu sub region, Uganda [1]
      Gender based factors influencing farmer participation in marketing of climbing beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Kabale District South Western Uganda [1]
      Gender dynamics in malaria and its control among pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in Nyabushozi county, Kiruhura District [1]
      Gender mainstreaming and community participation in plant resource conservation in Buzaya county, Kamuli district, Uganda [1]
      Gender, Vulnerability and Climate Change Adaptation Choices in Eastern Uganda [1]
      A genetic analysis of banana resistance to weevils (cosmopolites Sordidus germar) [1]
      Genetic analysis of cassava mosaic disease resistance in a transgenic cassava brown streak disease resistance breeding population [1]
      Genetic analysis of resistance to blast disease (Magnaporthe oryzae) among local resistant rice varieties in Uganda [1]
      Genetic analysis of resistance to Radopholus similis in Banana [1]
      Genetic analysis of resistance to rice bacterial blight in Uganda [1]
      Genetic analysis of resistance to witchweed (Striga hermonthica) and tolerance to low soil nitrogen in selected tropical maize lines [1]
      Genetic and serological analysis of foot and mouth disease viruses (FMDV) in selected domestic and wildlife populations in Kenya. [1]
      Genetic architecture of drought tolerance in Cowpea [1]
      Genetic characterisation of Ugandan strains of Colletotrichum sublineolum using ISSR makers. [1]
      Genetic diversity and carotenoid degradation in yellow root cassava in Uganda. [1]