Now showing items 806-825 of 1334

      Inheritance of resistance to kernel infection by aspergillus flavus and to accumulation of aflatoxins in selected groundnut genotypes in Uganda. [1]
      Inheritance of resistance to kernel infection by Aspergillusflavus and aflatoxin accumulation in groundnut [1]
      Inheritance of resistance to rice bacterial leaf blight [1]
      Inheritance of resistance to rice yellow mottle virus disease in interspecific and intraspecific rice genotypes in Uganda. [1]
      Inheritance of resistance to rice yellow mottle virus disease in rice in Uganda [1]
      Inheritance of resistance to sclerotium root rot (Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.) in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Uganda [1]
      Inheritance of resistance to the stalk-eyed fly (diopsis longicornis) in rice in Uganda [1]
      Inheritance of root dry matter content in sweet potato. [1]
      Inheritance of rosette virus disease resistance among early maturing groundnut accessions in Uganda. [1]
      Inheritance of sweetpotato resistance to sweetpotato weevils (C. brunneus and C. puncticollis) [1]
      Inheritance of tolerance to drought from selected potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivars in Uganda [1]
      Inheritance of tolerance to intermittent drought stress in selected common bean genotypes. [1]
      Inheritance of tolerance to seedling submergence in rice genotypes in Uganda [1]
      Inheritance, stability, and validation of provitamin a markers in striga hermonthica-Resistant maize inbred lines [1]
      Inheritannce and genotype by environment interaction of high Iron and zinc content in Rwandan and Ugandan common bean seed. [1]
      Insect vectors of Xanthomonas campestris pv musacearum: Distribution across altitudes, seasons and banana cultivars in Rwanda. [1]
      Institutional development of wetland policy, climate change and household food insecurity in wetland adjacent areas in Uganda [1]
      Institutional Repositories Containing Digitized Heritage Material (Special Collections) are Making 'Lost or Hidden' Cultures Accessible: Advantages and Disadvantages of this Trend [1]
      Integrated nutrient and moisture management for improved upland rice production in Uganda [1]
      Integrating geophysical exploration methods to minimise environmental impacts: A case study of oil and gas exploration, exploration area 2 Albertine Graben, Uganda. [1]