Now showing items 642-661 of 661

      Upgrading of Masaka-Bukakata Road (41km) from gravel to paved (bitumen standard) [1]
      Upgrading of Matyama local Service Centre North Ward, Namutumba Town Council, Namutumba District [1]
      Upgrading of Nyeikunama neighborhood Muhanga town council. [1]
      The upgrading of Olwiyo - Gulu road from gravel to bituminous standard. [1]
      An Urban Pedestrian Flow Prediction Model for Establishing a New Walkway Width Design Method [1]
      The use of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the evaluation of design and build road contractor’s bids: a case of UNRA [1]
      Use of linked data model to publish land acquisition data (a case study of Lusalira – Kasambya – Nkonge – Sembabule Road Project) [1]
      Using communication design to enhance waste separation practices (Case study: Kampala Central Division and the new waste bins) [1]
      Using remote sensing and GIS to monitor land cover dynamics for Budongo Forest Reserve [1]
      Utilizing web-GIS in the development of online platform ecotourism in the National Forestry Authority [1]
      Value engineering application in the improvement of charcoal briquetting processes in Uganda [1]
      Value engineering in construction of staff house and VIP drainable latrine at Biira HC 111 in Adjumani District. [1]
      Value Enginering in the Construction of an Administration block in Bweyogerere, Uganda. [1]
      Viability of Capacitor-Coupled substations on Uganda's Electricity Transmission Network [1]
      Visual manifestations of the Baganda concepts of “OBUSAWO BW’EKINNASI N’OBUYUNZI”. [1]
      A visual mixed media documentation of production and processing activities along the Shea value chain in Otuke District. [1]
      Water movement control across organic primers for pavements [1]
      Water quality assessment of improved water sources and proposed pollution mitigation interventions: the case of Budaka District -Uganda [1]
      Watoto children's church at Lubowa [1]
      Wildfire Susceptibility Modelling in Queen Elizabeth National Park - Uganda. [1]