Challenges of non-governmental organisations in the management of anti-retroviral drugs (ARV) in Uganda: a case study of TASO Mulago
The study is about the challenges faced by NGOs in the management of Anti Retroviral drugs in Uganda: A case study of TASO Mulago. TASO is one of the leading HIV/AIDS service providers in sub Saharan Africa. ARVs are drugs given to HIV positive clients to improve on their health through blocking of the replication of the virus, but they do not cure the person suffering from the virus.
I was motivated to choose the above topic so as to come up with avenues/solutions to the challenges faced by Non Governmental Organizations like; the large clientele infected with HIV/AIDS who are in need of ARVs, high cost of buying ARV drugs, maintaining the professional human resource, incidences of drug failure and ignorance about the usage of Anti-Retroviral drugs.
Both qualitative and quantitative data methods were used in the research, the study covered seven months and 130 respondents were interviewed .The interview comprised of key informants, focus group interviews and face to face interviews. For proper representation, the random sampling technique was used to avoid biased conclusions.
The data collected using the quantitative method, was analyzed using SPSS, graphs and tables were tabulated, in different sub topics. Both primary and secondary sources were used in order to get ideas from other researchers who had already contributed to this field, writings of different scholars like organizational reports on HIV especially those in which the challenges of Anti Retroviral drugs were portrayed and acknowledged. This data was used to disclose the challenges that were existent before, in the management of ARVs.
The research findings exhibited the challenges faced by NGOs in the management of Anti Retroviral Therapy. A number of challenges involved in the management of ARVs include; limited chances of the respondent’s in accessing ARVs, the number of regiments taken by the clients,49% were taking eight pills of ARVs taken per day on different regiments, 60% of clients could not pay off their bills after getting ARVs, 60% community members had a positive attitude towards clients taking ARVs, the ratio of stigma was moderate towards them,91% of the clients could not purchase their own ARVs in case TASO closed down.
In conclusion, there is need for both the public and private institutions to build capacity for PLWHA so as to build self sustainable measures for obtaining the life time drug rather than depending on the donors.
It was recommended for organizations to make joint partnerships/networks and sensitize the infected and affected about; the ARV services offered in health centers free of charge in their communities so as to avoid congestion in various organizations., the need for male counter parts to seek ART treatment and strengthening of adherence counseling among the clients, every time they go to the center. The Ministry of Health should also endeavor to set up a national data base for clients on ART to create publicity for various organizations offering HIV/AIDS services and also to avoid duplication of work.