dc.description.abstract | The topic of the study is Influence of Development Programmes of Aboke Parish on the Economic Self- Reliance of the Youth in the Light of Populorum Progressio.
The purpose of this study was to find out whether parish development programmes positively influence the youth in Aboke parish towards economic self-reliance.
Development here is taken integrally to encompass the Economic, Political, Social, Intellectual, Religious, Cultural and all dimensions of human advancement. It is geared towards the realisation of a fully accomplished human being both body and soul.
The population of the study included the priests and youth.
The study was carried out under the guidance of the following specific objectives:
1. To find out the Economic Development Programmes in Aboke parish and Youth participation in these programmes
2. To establish the impact of Economic Development Programmes on youth Economic Self-reliance.
3. To find out the limitations to economic Self-support among the youth in Aboke parish and the way forward.
Questionnaire was the main instrument used in the collection of data, that is people`s view in relation to the problems under study.
The research found out that there are a number of income generating projects at the Parish and special programmes established aimed at helping the youth to become economically self-reliant.
However, the participation of the youth in these programmes is low/poor and a small section has benefited from them.
There are also limitations among the youth that hinder self-reliance and they can be categorized in terms of inadequate capital (finance), lack of project planning and management skills, poor methods of farming, perishability of the produce and unpredictable market.
The researcher then made the following recommendations:
The youth executive, in collaboration with youth chaplain and youth parish executive should plan and organize self-reliance seminars to equip the youth human capital in term of leadership, projects[s] planning and management skills. Self-help groups units which can help assist how to study and provide timely solutions to youth limitations to self (help) sustenance. | en_US |