Now showing items 46-65 of 268

      Comparison of reverse line blot and β-tubulin targeted nested pcr techniques in the detection of tick-borne heamoparasites of ruminants [2]
      Comparison of transformatio frequencies among selected streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes [1]
      Comparison of Widal's test and bacterial culture as diagnostic tests for typhoid fever in humans and investigation of antimicrobial resistance of salmonella typhi isolates from patients attending private health facilities in Mbale City, Uganda [1]
      Conception rates of estrus-synchronized indigenous Ugandan goats by cervical artificial insemination [1]
      Congenital plasmodium falciparum infection in a meso-endemic area of Uganda : molecular perspective [1]
      Consumption of animal source foods in children less than five years of age in Hoima district, Uganda [1]
      Contribution of commonly used wild plants towards livelihoods of communities around Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda [1]
      A cross-sectional study of paratuberculosis in cattle from selected districts of Western Uganda and analysis of potential virulence of selected strains [1]
      Cytokine profiles to differentiate between active and latent tuberculosis infections in patients attending the Tuberculosis Clinic at Mulago Hospital [1]
      Detection and characterization of human influenza A virus isolates from patients attending Kayunga and Mulago Hospitals in Uganda [1]
      Detection of carbapenem resistance due to outer membrane porin alteration in non carbapenemase producing E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates from Mulago National Referral Hospital, Uganda [1]
      Detection of HIV-1 M184V and K65R drug resistance mutations by Allele specific real-time PCR in patients on Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) [1]
      Detection of mutant P2 adenosine transporter (TbAT1) gene in Trypanosoma brucei gambiense isolates from northwest Uganda using allele-specific polymerase chain reaction [1]
      Determination of Rubella virus strains associated with congenital birth defects in Uganda [1]
      Determination of SARS-COV-2 CD4 and CD8 T Cell responses prior to COVID-19 Pandemic among Ugandan adults [1]
      Determining the functionality of the putative twin-arginine signal peptides of rhomboid proteases from Mycobacterium tuberculosis using the beta-lactamase reporter system [1]
      Development of novel microsatellite DNA markers for first insight into the population genetic structure of bean leaf beetle ootheca mutabilis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Uganda [1]
      Diagnostic performance of four hepatitis B surface antigen CE marked and one WHO prequalified rapid diagnostic tests in Uganda [1]
      Diet selection strategies of Grauer's Gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri) in relation to nutritional benefits and exposure to hepatotoxic phytochemical in Mount Tshiabirimu Forest, Virunga National Park, DRC [1]
      Differentiation patterns of Trypanosoma Brucei field isolates [1]