Now showing items 75-94 of 268

      Effect of seasonal variation on milk sales and cattle vector-borne prevalence in Kiboga - Uganda [1]
      Effect of sputum characteristics, transportation time and HIV status on rapid detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in resource limited settings [1]
      The effect of Vitamin E, Vitamin C on viability and performance of cryopreserved African Catfish (c.gariepinus) sperm. [1]
      Effectiveness of RNA interference against black Sigatoka in transgenic dessert banana [1]
      Effects of cytokine gene polymorphisms on il-10, tnf-α levels and oxidative stress in sickle cell disease patients from Mulago hospital, Uganda [1]
      Effects of Pest des Petits Ruminants on pastoralists' livelihoods and pastoral community resilience towards the disease spread in Galkayo District, Somalia [1]
      Effects of repeated freeze-thawing of bovine epididymal sperm on vitro embryo development [1]
      Elephant population ecology and conflict dynamics in Nimule National Park landscape [1]
      Epidemiological study of selected viral pathogens and assessment of responses to polio vaccines in semi- captive chimpanzees in Uganda. [1]
      Epidemiology of African swine fever in wild and domestic swine: Factors for its persistence in Uganda [1]
      Epidemiology of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli and salmonella diarrhea in piglets and weaners from northern and eastern Uganda [1]
      Evaluating of the effect of selected semen extenders on Ankole Longhorn bull semen under selected storage conditions [1]
      Evaluating the development of community based tourism in Bugala Island, Kalangala District [1]
      Evaluation of accuracy of the CD4+ T-cell counts using PIMA CD4 as compared to BD Facscaliber flow cytometry [1]
      Evaluation of a sample pooling strategy for SARS-COV-2 by real time PCR [1]
      Evaluation of Bacillus thuringiensis crystal (CRY6A) and carica papaya cystatin toxins against the banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus) using a novel diet and construction of a plant transformation vector with two stacked toxin genes [1]
      Evaluation of cloud marketing as an avenue for sale of chicken by smallholder farmers in Kampala City [1]
      Evaluation of diatomite for improved chicken productivity in Uganda [1]
      Evaluation of Genetic Diversity among Glossina Fuscipes subpopulations from sleeping sickness foci in Uganda using Microsa Tellite DNA markers [1]
      Evaluation of nanoparticles and phages as candidate therapeutic agents for carbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli [1]