Now showing items 95-114 of 140

      Performing culture: An analysis of the language of contemporary Okuhingira ceremony among the Banyankore. [1]
      Performing resistance and subversion in the songs of Madoxx Ssemanda Ssematimba [1]
      A phonetic description of the varieties of English spoken by native speakers of Payira and Lamogi [1]
      Politeness strategies in English as a second language: A case of secondary school teachers in Fort Portal Municipality [1]
      Portraits of the girl child in the Kinyankore folktale [1]
      The portrayal of women’s rights violation in the Ugandan novel (1979 - 2006) [1]
      Press coverage of Muslims in Uganda. A case study of New Vision Newspaper [1]
      Print media coverage of female politicians in Uganda [1]
      Public perceptions of rhetoric communication: Case study of health media messages [1]
      Public Relations and Crisis Management in Public Utility Companies in Kampala District. A Case Study of National Water and Sewerage Corporation [1]
      Referring to information source in Kirundi: The case of lexical evidential markers. [1]
      A report on the casas: language teachers’ writing workshop basing on the unified standard orthographies of Ugandan languages [1]
      Representation of female genital mutilation in blossoms of the savannah and the switch [1]
      Representation of trauma in selected Ugandan short stories [1]
      The representation of women in selected plays of Euripides and selected Ghanaian playwrights [1]
      Rethinking health communication to address social contextual barriers to malaria control in Uganda [1]
      The role of a communication strategy in generating donor funds for NGOs in Uganda : the case of Hope Alive! [1]
      The role of electronic media in promoting Ugandan cinema: a case study of NTV and Bukedde Television [1]
      The role of Facebook in the mitigation of corruption among the youth in Uganda [1]
      The role of radio communication in combating violence against women: A case study of Anisa FM radio in Yambio County, Gbudue State- South Sudan [1]