Now showing items 555-574 of 583

      Uganda Police Force in the protection and promotion of the right to life in urban areas: a case study of Kampala District, 2001-2009 [1]
      The Uganda Police Force's handling of suspects in Kampala Metropolitan area : a case study of Kampala District [1]
      The Uganda Police Force’s contribution towards reducing cattle rustling in Moroto District, Uganda [1]
      Uganda’s foreign policy and human rights in the Great Lakes Region [1]
      The understanding of biblical prophecy and its influence on the believers’ life : case study : St. Paul Busitema Catholic Parish, Tororo Archdiocese [1]
      Understanding of clerical celibacy as a strategy to increase vocations to the priesthood in the light of Sacerdotalis caelibatus: case study [of] Buhimba Parish, Mbarara Archdiocese [1]
      Understanding the human-wildlife conflict in Queen Elizabeth National Park Kasese District Western Uganda [1]
      UNICEF and the right to education of children in armed conflict areas: A case study of Gulu District in Northern Uganda. [1]
      Universal Primary Education and the right to education in the post conflict setting : a case study of Gulu district [1]
      Urban planning and associated land use in Mpigi town [1]
      Urbanization and the environment of Nansana town council in Wakiso District. [1]
      Usawiri wa Wahusika wa Kiume kama Kielelezo cha Udume katika Tamthilia za Chacha Nyaigotti-Chacha [1]
      Violation of women's property rights in post armed conflict areas: A case study of Isingiro District [1]
      Violation of women’s productive rights: a case of female genital mutilation in Kapchorwa [1]
      Voice and issue representation in Daily Monitor and The New Vision newspapers' coverage of the constitutional amendment debate September 2003 - September 2005. [1]
      Vulnerability among the youth a cause of their backsliding from the Catholic Church; A case study: Holy Rosary Parish, Gulu Archdiocese. [1]
      Water resource distribution and peace building in pastoral communities: A Case study of selected sub-counties in Moroto district. [1]
      Water scarcity and regional security in Karamoja, Uganda [1]
      Welfare programmes and employee satisfaction in Uganda Police Force: a case study of Katwe Police Division [1]
      Women and peacebuilding in Northern Nigeria, 1952-2018 [1]