Now showing items 2017-2036 of 2974

      Prevalence and effects of menstrual disorders on quality of life of undergraduate students in Makerere University College of Health Sciences [1]
      Prevalence and factor associated with nocturnal hypoxaemia among children with Sickle Cell Aneamia in Mulago Hospital [1]
      Prevalence and factors affecting exclusive breastfeeding among mother-infant pairs in Kawempe Division, Kampala District [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with 'Sachet' alcohol use among secondary school students in Kampala District. [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with abnormal glycemic status among term neonates admitted to special care unit Kawempe National Referral Hospital [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with abnormal lung function in children aged 6 upto 18 years attending the sickle cell clinic at Mulago national referral hospital [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with acute kidney injury among children aged 6 months – 12 years passing dark urine admitted at Soroti Regional Referral Hospital [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with acute malnutrition among children with epilepsy attending Mulago National Referral Hospital [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with acute malnutrition among infants 1-5 months in Nadunget subcounty Moroto district. [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with acute malnutrition in infants aged between 1 to 6 months attending Mulago Hospital [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with Acute Otitis Media among febrile children aged below 5 years attending Mulago Hospital [1]
      The prevalence and factors associated with adrenal insufficiency among patients with sputum smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis admitted to Mulago Hospital [1]
      The prevalence and factors associated with adrenal insufficiency among patients with sputum smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis admitted to Mulago Hospital. [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with advanced HIV disease at enrolment in care among adults aged  18 years at selected Public Health Centres in Kampala city, Uganda. [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with adverse drug effects of multi drug resistant tuberculosis treatment in two referral hospitals in Uganda [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with adverse maternal and fetal outcomes among teenagers who deliver in Mulago national referral hospital. [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with alcohol consumption among pregnant women at Bugembe HCIV-Jinja Uganda [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with alcohol consumption among pregnant women at Kawempe National Referral Hospital [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with alcohol use among undergraduate students in Gulu University [1]
      The prevalence and factors associated with allergic rhinitis among asthma patients 3 to 18 years attending the chest clinics at Mulago Hospital [1]