Now showing items 55-74 of 506

      Combining ability analysis for resistance to turcicum leaf blight in maize under highland agro-ecologies of Uganda [1]
      Combining ability for beta-carotene and important quantitative traits in a cassava F1 population [1]
      Combining ability for multiple resistance to turcicum leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum) and maize streak virus disease [1]
      Combining ability for resistance to soybean rust in F2 and F3 soybean populations [1]
      Combining ability of maize inbred lines for performance under low nitrogen and drought stresses [1]
      Combining biochar with mineral fertilizer to enhance maize productivity on Striga hermonthica infested farmlands [1]
      Communication pathways to enhance the management of edible indigenous fruit trees in Buikwe, Busia and Kamuli Districts, Uganda [1]
      A comparative analysis of conventional and marker-assisted selection methods in breeding maize streak virus resistance in maize. [1]
      Comparative analysis of Genotypic Diversity among Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum and Xanthomonas vasicola pv. vasculorum strains [1]
      A comparative analysis of the competitiveness of tilapia and catfish enterprises in Mbale Sub Region, Eastern Uganda [1]
      Comparison of breeding systems by smallholder goat keepers in the humid, sub-humid and semi arid agro-ecological zones of Uganda [1]
      A comparison of the effects of the nematodes Radopholus similis and Pratylenchus goodeyi on growth, root health and yield of an East African highland cooking banana (Musa AAA-group) [1]
      Competitiveness of crossbred chickens in Eastern Uganda [1]
      Components of resistance to sweetpotato weevils Cylas Puncticollis (Boheman) and Cylas brunneus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Apionidae) in Ugandan sweetpotato germplasm [1]
      Compositional nutrient diagnosis and profitability of nutrient management options for Soybean grown on a ferralsol [1]
      Constraints and opportunities for access to lucrative markets by smallholder farmer: Analysis of the Bean Value Chain in Kamuli District [1]
      Consumer acceptability and willingness to pay for introduced dessert bananas [1]
      Consumer acceptance and willingness to pay for shelf life extended fresh cassava roots in Uganda: the case of Kampala District [1]
      Consumer awareness and willingness to pay for traceable honey: a case of Wakiso District in Central Uganda [1]
      Consumer preference for cooking banana attributes in Uganda: a case of urban consumers in Central Uganda [1]