Now showing items 493-512 of 512

      Urban and suburban farmers markets in Illinois: a comparative analysis of consumer segmentation using demographics, preferences and behaviours [1]
      Urban market garbage: a hidden resource for sustainable urban / peri-urban agriculture and the environment in Uganda [2]
      Use and Management of Balanites aegyptiaca in Drylands of Uganda [1]
      Use and management of balanites aegyptiaca in drylands of Uganda [1]
      Use of Imidazolinone Resistant (IR) maize to assess the potential effect of transgenic maize in Uganda [1]
      Use of mobile phone mediated platform (Kulima) in dissemination of information on common bean production in Bukomansimbi and Rakai districts, Uganda [1]
      Use of timelapse photography to determine flower opening time and pattern in banana (Musa spp.) for efficient hand pollination [1]
      Using DSSAT-CENTURY Model to Simulate Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics Under a Low-Input Maize Cropping System [1]
      Utilisation of spent brewer’s yeast as a protein feed supplement for growing pigs. [1]
      Validation of high-throughput phenotyping tools for selection in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) breeding [1]
      Value and premium for titled agricultural land in Uganda [1]
      Variability in body morphometric measurements and their application in predicting live body weight of Mubende and Small East African goat breeds in Uganda. [1]
      Variability of grain-filling traits in early maturing CIMMYT tropical maize inbred lines [1]
      Variability of Phytophthora Infestans in Uganda and Kenya and its implications to late blight management in potato and tomato [1]
      Varietal choice and adoption of cassava varieties under farmer elicitation and DNA fingerprinting methods : a case of Malawi [1]
      Viability analysis of dairy farming enterprises in Ntungamo District. A case of productivity and profitability estimation [1]
      Weaning strategies to improve the performance of sows and their progeny under smallholder farming conditions [1]
      Weeding and mulching for management of aphids and associated viral diseases of passion fruit in Uganda [1]
      Welfare gains from adoption of improved maize varieties among smallholder households in Uganda [1]
      Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) resistance among cassava genotypes in Uganda. [1]