Now showing items 1840-1859 of 1998

      Saving terms, credit terms and the performance of Reapers Credit and Savings Union Limited. [1]
      Saving-investment nexus and the current account balance in Tanzania [1]
      Savings and Credit Cooperatives’ Financial Services and the Growth of Members’ Enterprises in Luweero District in Uganda [1]
      Scaling up rural electrification in Uganda: innovative technical and financial solutions being explored to address access challenges [1]
      Scholarly productivity in developing countries: an analysis of levels and patterns among doctoral holders in Uganda [1]
      School climate, individual intervention, organizational commitment and the performance of secondary schools in Kyenjojo and Kabarole Districts [1]
      Self-assessment system, tax audit, perceived tax fairness and tax compliance among SMEs in Uganda [1]
      Servant leadership and sales force performance in the banking sector of Uganda [1]
      Service delivery systems and service quality of small scale organizations in Uganda. A case of Thermocool Uganda Limited [1]
      Service fairness, service quality and customer satisfaction: a study of agency banking at centenary bank, Kampala Uganda [1]
      Sexual behavior among people living with HIV on Antiretroviral therapy at Mpigi Health Centre IV, Central Uganda [1]
      Sexual harrassment at the work place. A case of Uganda Revenue Authority [1]
      Shopping Habits of Consumers at Shoprite Uganda [1]
      The significance of team work at MG Engineers and Contractors Limited [1]
      SMEs and tax compliance: A case study of selected small and medium enterprises in Kampala [1]
      Social capital, interaction quality and performance of loans in commercial banks [1]
      Social customer relationship management, service quality and customer retention in the banking industry in Uganda; a case of UBA bank branches in Kampala district [1]
      Social determinants of health status in Uganda [1]
      Social entreprenuerial competences, social capital and perceived performance of social entreprenuers in selected NGOs and CBOs OF Lira and Tororo districts [1]
      Social media and the growth and expansion of financial institutions [1]